I am 99% of the way to becoming a Certified Culinarian
Today I rocked my Chef of the Day project at school. It was NOT perfect nor did everything run smoothly. But I did not cry, I stepped in and helped wrap wontons for what seemed like hours. I managed the kitchen, the front of the house made the dining room look beautiful and I had a whole 26 people eat my food and I got lots of compliments. I liked my food, but somehow, being a vegetarian I assume people won’t like it or it’s too eccentric for them. It was most people’s first time with tempeh and it went over very well. I am proud to say I made the tempeh myself, as well as the wonton skins. I adore scratch cookery. Now that I’m almost a graduate, if anyone out there wants to pay me to make them bread, saeurkraut and kombucha, drop me a line! I’m ready to manipulate culture on a larger scale!
Who would have thought the tree nerd would become a cook? I had a lot of frustration that helped me grow and test myself and I am so happy with my menu, how everything looked, and especially how it all tasted. Now I just wait until next week when I get the judges comments back.