Goodbye, my baby
So today I sold my car.
I am sad but liberated at the same time.
I learned how to drive on that car, pumped gas that was 97 cents a gallon, went 5 times across the country with it and somehow even off-roaded on forest service roads. I used to be so dependent on my car, especially living the American culture of have about a 30 minute drive commute to work (which is horrible and I don’t recommend a commute of over 15 minutes).
Anyways, a haiku to my car:
Teal escort, my friend
We’ve been down many great roads
Here’s to your new path
I’m out of poetry practice. Hopefully my car performs well for it’s new owner and I can move forward gracefully, remembering how loyal a car she has been. I have outgrown her living in a major city, especially since we moved so close to school and downtown. I’m in a car maybe twice a week for circus class and occasionally work. It wasn’t practical to pay insurance and struggle to find a parking spot and move the car every few days to avoid a ticket. Now she’s got somewhere more exciting to go than just sitting in a parking spot collecting pollen. Can you tell I’m trying to rationalize selling my car? My only car? For 46% of my life I have relied on her to get me out and about.
Let’s all have a moment of silence as I release my attachment to Baby.
We are one step closer to Peru now.